The first baby born as a result of a uterus transplant from a dead woman

First baby born as a result of a uterus transplant from a dead woman
Brazilian doctors two years ago transplanted a uterus from a deceased 45-year-old woman, 32, whoora gave birth to a healthy cohand. Freshlywed mother suffers from a rare disease called. syndromeoMayer-Rokitansky’ego-Küstera-Hauser (MRKK) and was born without a uterus.
The first baby from a transplanted uterus was born in Sweden in 2013. A woman had her grandmother’s uterus transplanted. In total, uterine transplant surgery from a living donor has been performed 39 times around the world. Organs headownie came from the immediate family – Mothers donated their organs to corkom. After such treatments, 11 babies were born. But 10 previous prob uterus transplants from deceased female donors failed or ended in miscarriage.
The Brazilian case study was published in the journal „The Lancet”.
A case in point with São Paulo shows that uterine transplants from deceased donors are feasible. This could open the way for women suffering from infertility and rare conditions like MRKH.
– The use of the deceased could greatly expand access to this treatment. Our results provide evidenceow for a new option for women with uterine defects. First uterine transplants from live donorsob were a medical milestone, creating the possibility of childbirth for many infertile women with access to suitable donorsow and needed medical equipment. However, the need for a living donor is a major limitation, as such are rare. They are usually willing and eligible family members or close friends. The number of waspsob willing to donate their organsoin the aftermath of their deaths is much higher than the number of – said Dr. Dani Ejzenberg of the University of São Paulo, ktory led the study.
The operation took place in September 2016. A 32-year-old woman born without a uterus underwent an IVF procedure four months before the transplant, which resulted in eight fertilized eggs, whichore was subjected to cryopreservation.
The transplant operation took more than 10 hours. After the operation, the patient stayed in the intensive care unit for two days, followed by six days in a specialized transplant unit. The hospital received five rotive drugoin immunosuppressants, as well as antimicrobials and anticoagulants. Immunosuppression continued outside the hospital until delivery.
Five months after transplantation, the uterus showed no symptomsoin rejections. Ultrasound scans showed no abnormalities, and the 32-year-old had regular menstruation. Seven months after the transplant, the woman was implanted with eggs taken earlier and fertilized. The authors in the publication highlighted that they were able to implant the eggs into the uterus much earlier than in previous transplantsoin the uterus, where it usually took place after a year.
Ten days after implantation, the pregnancy was confirmed. Non-invasive prenatal testing was performed at 10 weeks, showed normal development of theoj płod, and ultrasound scans at 12 and 20 weeks revealed no abnormalities. There were no problems during the pregnancyow, except for a kidney infection at 32 weeks’ gestation, whichora was treated with antibiotics in the hospital. The girl was born via cesarean section at 36 weeks gestation and weighed 2550 g.
The transplanted uterus was removed by cesarean section and immunosuppressive therapy was discontinued. At seven months and 20 days of age, when the article was written for publication, the baby had continued breastfeeding and weighed 7.2 kg.
The paper’s authors wrote that transplants from the dead may have some advantages over donations from the living. The idea is primarily to avoid the risks associated with surgery to remove the uterus from a living person. It should also be noted that many countriesow already has well-established national systems for regulating and distributing doncow organow from deceased donorsow.
In a commentary on the publication, Dr. Antonio Pellicer of Italy wrote that this is a groundbreaking procedure, but it is still at an early stage. Many questions still remain unresolved. Results and effects of donations from living and deceased donorsoin yet to be pored overownane, and surgical and immunosuppression techniques will be optimized in the future.