The Polish instrument will explore Mars. The final preparations of the NASA Insight mission

The Polish instrument will explore Mars. Recent preparations of the NASA Insight mission
At around 1:00 p.m. Polish time on May 5, 2018, NASA’s InSight mission, the first-ever mission dedicated to exploring the deep interior of Mars, will take off. Exploring the interior of the Red Planet was made possible by the Polish company Astronika, which designed and manufactured a mechanism that will penetrate 5 meters into the Martian soil.
The mission is expected to last two Earth years. InSight landing on Mars is scheduled for November 26, 2018. This is NASA’s first mission since the timeoin the Apollo lunar missions, as part of whichorejet seismometer will be placed on the surface of an alien planet – A device to record and measure earthquakes.
– In a wayob InSight is such a scientific time machine that theory will provide us with information about the earliest stages of Mars’ history 4.5 billion years ago. It would help us find out howob form rocky objects such as Earth, its moon and even planets in other planetary systems – said Bruce Banerdt, head of theowny explorer of the InSight mission.
The goal of the InSight mission is to conduct geophysical surveys on Mars, whichore will provide groundbreaking information about the internal structure of the planet and its coohe modern geological activity. The mission will provide a better understanding of the evolution and formation of Mars, and in ogole Earth-type planets. A seismometer aboard the lander will allow recording events related to the activity of Mars’ interior, as well as meteorite fallsow on the surface of the planet.
Poland’s participation in the Insight mission
The mission will send an unmanned lander to Mars, which willory is expected to make a historic exploration of the planet Mars. One of the three mainow other devices, ktore will take with it the InSight mission will be HP3 (Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package) – probnik to measure heat flux from inside the planet, ktory will be inserted 5 meters deep into the Martian soil.
The maker of the insertion mechanism „HP3 mole” is the Polish company Astronika, whichorej engineers have made the Polish space industry known at NASA for producing the world’s best penetrating devices for space missions. Astronika as coordinator of the production process „Crete HP3” engaged several Polish centers for subcontractingoin science, Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Aviation, the Institute of Welding, the Technical University of ŁoThe Polish government and the Warsaw University of Technology.
– This is a big event for Astronika, but also a big success for the domestic space industry, because for the first time in history a Polish company has created a complete mechanism for a space mission. It is also a significant step forwardod, as far as space exploration in ogole, because such a device will for the first time ever penetrate as much as 5 meters below the surface of Mars and provide data, ktoThe mission will provide answers to many questions about the structure of this planet – mowi Bartosz Kędziora, president of the company founded by Polish engineersow and scientistsoin Astronika company.
The HP3 mole is a complete device entirely made in Poland, which is a breakthrough for the Polish space sector, because for the first time in history a Polish company, together with its subcontractors, provides a complete subsystem, rather than individual components or processes (screws, springs).
The task of this device will be to study the history of the formation of Mars, study the changes that are taking place in the structure of the planet, temperature, study the nucleus of the planet. Never before has any device penetrated the surface of Mars to such depths.
Made by Astronica „Mole” became visitsowk of the Polish company and the entire Polish space industry. One of Poland’s best-known scientistsoat NASA Artur Chmielewski congratulated the Poles on preparing the device this way:
For the first time in history, a representative of a Polish company is the so called “Polish”. „co-investigator” NASA missions. This is Jerzy Grygorchuk of Astronika, whoory has already designed the MUPUS penetrator for the Rosetta mission in his career – The first mission in human history thatohe goal was to land on the comet.