New weapon to fight superbugs found in Irish soil

New weapon to fight superbugs found in Irish soil
A hitherto unknown strain of bacteria was discovered by an international teamo³ scientistow led by researchers from Swansea University Medical School. Scientists found bacteria in soil from the Fermanagh area of the Boho Highlands in Ireland PoNorth. This is an area of alkaline soils, ktore from the age ofow believed to be medicinal.
A new strain has been named Streptomyces sp. Myrophorea due to its essential oil-like odor. Of the bacteria in the family Streptomyces is currently producing about twooch of the third antibiotic usedow. New strain inhibits development ofoj four of the six most dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteriaow, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
The findings were published in the journal „Frontiers in Microbiology”.
In search of new drugsoin whichore could cope with increasingly dangerous antibiotic resistance, researchers are reaching for new sources ofosources, including folk tales. This field is known as ethnopharmacology.
One of the membersoin Dr. Gerry Quinn’s research team, whichory originated in Fermanagh, was aware of local reports according to whichorich soil from the area has medicinal properties. Local from ageow wrapped a small amount of soil in a piece of cloth, ktory later used to treat many ailments, including bolu toothow, throat and neck infections. Interestingly, the area about 1,500 years ago was inhabited by the druidow.
This prompted the researcher to study probek soil from this region. It turned out to be a hit. Analyses revealed the existence of a hitherto unknown strain of bacterial – Streptomyces sp. Myrophorea, ktory effectively inhibits the growth of four of the six most dangerous pathogensow. In addition to the already mentioned MRSA, the new strain inhibits the development ofoj vancomycin-resistant enterococcusow Enterococcus faecium (VRE), pneumonia bacilli Klebsiella pneumoniae and carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumanii.
It is not yet clear ktory component of the new strain prevents the development of pathogenow. This is to be clarified by new research, whichore isolate an active substance produced by a new strain of bacteria.
– The discovery is an important step forwardod in the fight against antibiotic resistance. Our results show the value of studying folklore and traditional medicines in the search for new antibioticsow. These studies can be joined by historians and archaeologists. It seems that part of the answer to wspohe modern problem may lie in the wisdom of the past – said Professor Paul Dyson of Swansea University Medical School.