New technology makes it possible to transmit sound directly into the ear of a specific person

New technology allows sound to be transmitted directly to the ear of a specific person
Using a laser, a voice message can be sent directly to the ear of the recipient of the information. New technology developed by MIT researchers uses laser light and water vapor and is safe to use.
Scientists at the Lincoln Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a system to transmit sound directly to a specific person’s ear. The approach uses a laser beam and water vapor. The authors say their technology is completely harmless and will be safe to use.
How it works? In order to send the messages, MIT scientists used the so-called “acoustic wave. photoacoustic effect. When a beam of light falls on a certain particle this particle absorbs its energy and converts it into kinetic energy. It occurs inoat the time to locally increase temperature, pressure and an acoustic wave is created.
In the experiments, MIT scientists used water vapor in the air. The vapor absorbed the light of the laser beam and generated a vibration at an audible frequency. In tests, the researchers used a laser beam to transmit sound at 60 decibels (that’s roughly the volume of a conversation in a restaurant) to the target person, ktora was located 2.5 meters away.
The laser beam was modulated to encode the message within it. Result? A quiet but clear message. Teamoł researchers during the testow transmitted in this wayob music, speech and other sounds.
– Our system can now be used from a short distance to transmit information directly to someone’s ear. This can work even in relatively dry conditions, as there is almost always some water in the air, especially wokoThe rays are safe for people,” said team leader Charles M. Wynn.
The technique can be used to target a message to a specific person, even in a crowd. No one outside it can hear anything. No receiving equipment is needed for this, just the ear. But the sound can also be heard at a location, at whichore raining a beam of light – although the space around theoł couches in front of the TV. In addition, the system is completely safe. – This is the first system using lasers, ktore are completely safe for the eyes and skory to transmit a sound signal for a specific person – emphasized Wynn.
The basic concept used by the scientistsow from MIT is not new. The first research on the photoacoustic effect phenomenon was conducted by Wilhelm X-ray – The discoverer of the rays named after him or Alexander Graham Bell – inventor of the phone. The latter, together with Charles Tainter, developed in 1880 the so-called “light”. photophone – a device that transmits sounds by means of light. Many similar devices have since been developed. Most use speakers to intensify the sound waves. The key rohe difference between these inventions and the method developed at MIT is that the receiver of the message does not need any device.
Currently, the MIT scientists’ solution works only at a distance of a few metersow, but researchers plan to refine the technique so that it allows messages to be sent over longer distances. The technology was tested indoors, so the researchers also want to adapt it to operate outdoors.
Applications? Surely such technology will be useful in the military. The ability to send highly targeted signalsoIn audio in the air can be roAlso used for communication in noisy environments. It will also be useful for spies, but students and high school graduates rowould also be happy to have access to it. However, on the other hand, with the proliferation of this technology, the sender could be anyone and would be hard to locate. This brings with it the problem of, for example, unwanted advertising directed into a specific space or directly into the ear of a passerby.