New NASA video. Moon tour in 4K

New NASA video. Moon tour in 4K
The tour on the NASA film begins at the south pole of our artificial satellite. Next are shown numerous craters and interesting places on the Moon. You can even take a look at the landing sites of the Apollo missions – The lander and the nearby lunar rover can be seen. All this in unprecedented resolution.
The animation was created from images sent to Earth by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter probe. The probe was launched in June 2009 and has been sending NASA photography ever since. HeadoThe probe’s primary goal is to create a detailedol topographic maps of the lunar surface, but the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has also identified the locations of lod and other raw materials, whichore will be possible to exploit in the future.
The probe has also measuredoin space radiation in orbit wokoMoon and identified the best landing sites for future manned missions. The total cost of the mission is about 500 millionow dollarow.