Incredible results of face transplant in less than a year after surgery

Incredible results of face transplantation less than a year after surgery
Cameron Underwood, a 26-year-old man who underwent a face transplant earlier this year, presented himself for the first time in front of the cameras. As the doctors performing the 25-hour operation confirmed, the results exceeded their expectations.
In June 2016, Cameron Underwood prob was to commit suicideojstwo. As a result of gunfire, he lost his nose and most of his jaw, palate and teethow. Proso that conventional reconstructive surgery would not have the desired effectow.
Seeking help, Underwood’s mother, Beverly Bailey-Potter, contacted Dr. Eduardo D. Rodriguez, head of the Department of Plastic Surgery at NYU Langom. It is a hospital in New York associated with New York University. Underwood after meeting with Rodriguez’s team was qualified for the transplant.
As Dr. Bruce Gelb, one of the surgeons, admittedoAt NYU Langom Transplantation, researchers led by Rodriguez developed a novel method of donor matchingow and the patientow and an immune suppression regimen, whichory provide excellent results. – The risk of transplant rejection is greatly minimized – explained Gelb.
In record time, just poł year after being added to the transplant waiting list, Underwood found a suitable donor. Many patientsow waits for years. The donor was 23-year-old William Fischer – New York resident. He registered as an organ donoroIn when I was still a teenager.
January 5 compositeoł more than 100 doctors led by Rodriguez performed the facial transplant surgery, whichora took about 25 hours. Underwood’s face transplant was the third face transplant completed by Rodriguez and his teamoł.
Since 2005, more than 40 transplants have been performedoin faces around the world, but Underwood’s operation has a major role in the medical procedure. Underwood received a face transplant nearly 18 months after suffering his injuries, the most ever for aotier period for this type of surgery. According to Rodriguez, this is of great importance in poThe subsequent rehabilitation and can helpoc emotional and physical recovery of the rownowagi.
As Rodriguez stressed, Underwood did not have to live with a deformed face for a long time, as was the case in most previous cases ofow. – He did not have to face many long-term psychosocial problems, ktore often lead to severe depression – admitted Rodriguez.
Doctors performing the operation were aided by advanced technology. The 3D printing technology. During the complicated composite procedureoł consisted of roalso on assisted tool navigation systems to achieve a perfect match between the graft and the patient’s face. In total, during the operation, doctors transplanted the bones of Fisher’s jaw, including 32 teeth, palate, lower eyelids, cheeks and nose. Underwood’s tongue remained, but underwent reconstruction.
Underwood’s speed of recovery has surprised doctors. He qualified for release to an apartment close to the hospital a few weeks ahead of schedule, after spending a month in the hospital. After another month of additional physical and speech therapy rehabilitation and orthodontic treatments, Underwood and his family were able to wroct to California, where they came from.
Like all transplant patients, Underwood will have to take immunosuppressive drugs against graft rejection for life. He now travels to New York once a month for observation and consultation with his doctors.
– Will and his family made an incredible sacrifice to give back to me, I lost – declared Underwood. – I will never forget it. I am also eternally grateful to Dr. Rodriguez and his facial transplant team. My family and I would not have been able to make this tripolives without them. I hope that my experience will inspire others whooers have severe facial injuries. They must have hope. I was inspired by another, whoowho have gone before me. Podroż was not easy, but it was worth it – added.